Do You Believe In Miracles?
by Michelle Seguin
Mar 11, 2021

Do you believe in miracles? Do you believe miracles happen every day?

I do. We have a really good friend John who lives down in Missouri. John is a police sargeant who is healthy and had no pre existing conditions. John got COVID in December of 2020.

John was admitted to the hospital on December 21. John’s health deteriorated very quickly. Within 6 days of being in the hospital, John had to be hooked to a ventilator. The doctors determined that the ventilator was not enough help for John given his continued decline in health. He was then transferred to another hospital and on December 28 was now on ECMO and a ventilator.

Every day, we all waited on pins and needles for his latest update. His wife faithfully posted every single night for all of us that love John and we faithfully every night shared that post and asked for everyone we knew to pray that he would get through this.

I remember going through the updates nightly and seeing the progress. Every night his health had not gotten worse or it had gotten worse but nothing significant. This went on for days and then days turned into weeks.

There were collapsed lungs that required chest tubes, blood clots in his legs and lungs, blood sugar issues, heart issues, kidney concerns, he needed a tracheotomy and the list continued.

Every night, I shared the update to everyone I knew and asked for additional prayers to be sent to John and his family as they needed all the prayers and strength they could get. His health continued down the path of the same or a little bit worse and it was hard for the mind not to go to….. well, a bunch of little bit worse updates over time added up to significantly worse by the time we were into week three and then four with no end in site.

There were hundreds of people around the world praying for John and his family. We prayed and prayed and prayed.

Then the miracle happened. We finally started getting some positive news. Little strides were being made in the right direction. It seemed like it happened so fast, before we knew it after 39 days on ECMO, he finally was taken off of it. Then they were able to get rid of the ventilator and before we knew it the tracheotomy was also removed.

His recovery did not come in weeks but rather in days. He went from the doctors and nurses unsure if he was going to make the night to up and moving. Within a couple weeks, he not only was moved from the hospital to a rehab facility but also, he has worked to the point where he has been released and is now at home with his family.

After some tough months, they finally got to celebrate Christmas together and are forever grateful for the little things like just being able to be together as a family.

I am honored and privileged to know John and his family and I know John will not take forgranted what he has been allowed to have in his life or the fact that he is alive. Jake and Allie have their dad back and Melissa has her husband back. This family truly knows the strength of prayer, love and miracles.

John is truly a walking miracle and it was definitely not his time. John continues to inspire all that have followed his story and make us remember that miracles happen. This is a reminder to count your blessings daily as life can change in an instant.

To follow the full story from start to finish and to see all the ups and downs, you can go back through my news feed under my personal profile Michelle Seguin.

I dedicate this blog post to John, Melissa, Jake and Allie Wilson. May the rest of your lives be blessed and may you always be grateful to have John with you. I know the rest of us that love him will be forever grateful.

Oh hello! I am Michelle Seguin


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